Nov/Dec 2021

What Does the Fox See?

Academic Standards



Reading Objective:

Children will identify ways that foxes use their senses to explore the world.


Reading Level:

520L; GRL: K


Next Generation Science Standards:

2-LS4-1 Make observations of plants and animals



omnivore, rustling, predators,  sharp, kits, whiskers

Use these questions to check students’ understanding and stimulate discussion:


1. What does an omnivore eat?
(plants and animals)

2. Why do foxes pee on trees? 
(to tell other foxes they stopped by)

3. What can a fox’s sharp eyes do? 
(They can spot a tiny worm, even when there’s not much light.)

4. Which senses might tell a fox that a mouse was near?
(sound, smell, seeing, feeling)

Go online to print or project the Reading Checkpoint.


  • Foxes dig dens underground. They raise their kits there until they are ready to go out on their own.
  • Foxes are smelly! They rub their bodies against trees to leave their scent. They do this to tell other foxes that this tree is part of their territory.
  • A grown-up male fox is called a dog fox. A female is called a vixen.

Materials: clipboards, pencils, copies of the skill sheet

Overview: Students will explore the sense of sound by taking a listening walk. 


  1. Before you leave the classroom, remind students that foxes have excellent hearing. Foxes can hear leaves rustling from across the forest! Ask kids what they think they could hear if they were to go outside and listen. What would help them hear the sounds? (being quiet, walking softly, etc.)
  2. Tell students they will go on a listening walk. How many sounds will they be able to hear and record? 
  3. Give each student a clipboard, a pencil, and a copy of the skill sheet. Head outside.
  4. Once outside, pause. Ask kids to close their eyes and just listen. (Scientists say we hear better with closed eyes.) 
  5. Ask kids to open their eyes and record what they hear on their skill sheet. Walk, listen, and record some more. Later, kids can share observations as they listen to each other.